
Belasitsa is the mountain which slopes down at the same time to three countries - Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Located in the southwestern part of Bulgaria at present day is a territory which is visited by few tourists. Perhaps that is the reason that Belasitsa is one of the few mountains in Bulgaria, which has retained its unspoiled nature.
In contrast to all the Bulgarian mountains, where the lowest zone is occupied by oaks, here in its place are growing chestnuts. These are civilized chestnut, which is not found in other mountains. These are also the most extensive chestnut forests in Bulgaria, as well as the Balkans and among the most valuable chestnut forests in Europe. These forests are with special status and are subject to protection because they are included in the Habitats Directive of the European Union.
Belasitsa forests differ from those in the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula and by the presence of Mediterranean plant species, making them unique in Europe. The Belasitsa flora is composed of about 1200 plant species, which is approximately one third of the flora of Bulgaria!
Even today it is less popular destination for tourism and the mountain is less visited. This is one of the reasons why the unique nature there is better preserved than elsewhere in the country.
Belasitsa forms the southwest corner of Bulgaria, which is surrounded to the north of the River Strumeshnitsa, to the south of Greece and to the west - Republic of Macedonia. Tumba is a peak point of intersection of the borders between the three countries. The area offers great opportunities to connect with neighboring Macedonia (around Strumica) and Greece (National Park "Kerkini").
Day 1 – Arrival in Petrich and transition to hut “Belasitsa” – the transition is about 1.30 hours along a marked path
Accommodation in hut “Belasitsa”
Hut “Belasitsa”
is located on the northern slope of Mount Belasitsa in the area “Ilievski nivi” (8 km from the town of Petrich by asphalt road). The hut is located at 720 meters altitude, among ancient forest of chestnut trees. It offers wonderful views of the mountain to Greece and Lake Kerkini. It has a restaurant, conference hall, internet cafe, playground, rest areas and barbecue.
Belasitsa Park is the newest park in Bulgaria, whose task is to preserve for future generations the unique ancient chestnut forests, and many other valuable plant and animal species.
With this status is since December 2007 and already been built four thematic trails, suitable for a wider audience - the paths of chestnuts, butterflies, trees and ants - "Life of chestnuts," "Butterflies and flowers of Belasitsa", "friends "and" Path of ants”. The various names of the paths navigate visitors to the diversity of flora and fauna in the area.
The first two routes starts from the foot of the mountain, where are the villages Kolarovo and Yavornitsa. "The ant trail" starts from the hut "Kongur".
Eco-path "Friends" starts from the hut "Belasitsa" and continues to the picturesque waterfall Leshnishki.
Afternoon walk to Leshnishki Falls - 45 minutes
Leshnishki Falls
It is located near the hut Belasitsa, in about 740 meters altitude. It is situated in close and picturesque ravine. You can feel the true coolness of the mountain in the hottest summer days. To the Waterfall leads a marked tourist path - Eco path "Friends", on the way you will have the opportunity to learn interesting facts about our friends - the trees.
Day 2 – Transition to peak Kongur / 1951 м. / - 3.30 hours
Peak Kongur (1951 м.),
also known as Big Kongur, Kongurо ор Kongore, the peak is in the main mountain ridge, on east of Mount Punkova rock and the champion – Peak Radomir. Has dome-shaped form with rounded sides and is composed of metamorphic rocks, and the top is the highest point of the Reserve Kongur. At its ridge passes the national borders between Bulgaria and Greece. At the very top has an abandoned Greek observation tower, which is visible from afar.
On the name of the peak is named a glacier Kongur (Kongur Glacier) on the island Smith, the archipelago South Shetland Islands, Antarctica.
Since 2008 every first Sunday of May the tourist company "Kalabak" from Petrich organize a mass climb to the top in the framework of the program for the feast of the city - St. George's.
Starting points for his climbing are the city of Petrich and the chalets Belasitsa and Kongur.
Day 3 – Transition to Peak Radomir /2029м. – highest in Belasitsa/ - 4.30 hours
Peak Radomir
(Greek: Καλαμπάκα, Kalabaka) is the highest peak of the mountain Belasitsa - 2029 meters. It is located in 9 km southwest of Petrich. Until 1942 he was named Kalabak, the name is still used by the local people. The new name was given in honor of the Bulgarian king Gavril Radomir. It rises at the main mountain ridge in the west of the peak Debelo bardo and east of the peak Lozen and has a pyramidal shape with very steep western and southern slopes, is built of metamorphic rocks.
Main departure points for his climbing are the city of Petrich, village Samuilovo and the huts Belasitsa and Kongur on Bulgarian territory and the village Mandradzhik on Greek territory. Radomir Peak is included in of BTA initiative "conqueror of the 10 mountain leaders".
Day 4 – Transition to Petrich - 1, 30 hours on a marked path and departure by bus to Sandanski
A Walk to the Rupite area
Temple - memorial "Sveta Petka Bulgarian”, Thermal springs in the Rupite area
The place has gained popularity thanks to the most famous Bulgarian prophet Vanga Gushterova - Vanga (03/10/1911 - 11/08/1996 on). In 1992 the prophet built the temple-monument "Saint Petka Bulgarian’, turned into a place of pilgrimage for thousands of people.
Day 5 - Departure